Leona Farms Quester Group
The Leona Farms Quester Group is part of the International Questers Organization. The group meets to learn about the history of a variety of topics, for philanthropy, and to socialize.
The chapter was charted on October 31, 2002.
February 2018, Leona Farms Questers contributed $7,000 towards a new bar for the Trout Valley Barn and refurbishing the bathrooms at the Trout Valley Pool.
One of the group's Charter Members, Shirley Beene, was instrumental in obtaining the Historical Plaques of the Trout Valley Barn, Trout Valley Stonegate Entrance, and the Trout Valley Pool. Shirley was one of the group's most knowledgeable Trout Valley Historians. She has written books about Trout Valley's history. When she and her husband moved to Arizona, she donated a large part of her collection to be used in the future Trout Valley Museum.
The main focus of the Leona Farms Quester philanthropy is to establish a Trout Valley Museum. The group has been very fortunate in obtaining historic donations from some of very generous Trout Valley residents.
The chapter was charted on October 31, 2002.
February 2018, Leona Farms Questers contributed $7,000 towards a new bar for the Trout Valley Barn and refurbishing the bathrooms at the Trout Valley Pool.
One of the group's Charter Members, Shirley Beene, was instrumental in obtaining the Historical Plaques of the Trout Valley Barn, Trout Valley Stonegate Entrance, and the Trout Valley Pool. Shirley was one of the group's most knowledgeable Trout Valley Historians. She has written books about Trout Valley's history. When she and her husband moved to Arizona, she donated a large part of her collection to be used in the future Trout Valley Museum.
The main focus of the Leona Farms Quester philanthropy is to establish a Trout Valley Museum. The group has been very fortunate in obtaining historic donations from some of very generous Trout Valley residents.
The group meets once a month from September to May/June each year. The meetings are held at the Trout Valley Lodge, Trout Valley Barn, or at a member's home. Members take turns hosting by bringing refreshments to the meeting.
Meetings are held at 9:30am on the first Tuesday of the month (excluding the Tuesday after Labor Day, the Quester Christmas Luncheon, and New Year's week). The meetings begin with a half hour of social, followed by a speaker or presentation. The meetings concluded between 11:30am and noon. The group also has 1-2 field trips per year.
The group meets once a month from September to May/June each year. The meetings are held at the Trout Valley Lodge, Trout Valley Barn, or at a member's home. Members take turns hosting by bringing refreshments to the meeting.
Meetings are held at 9:30am on the first Tuesday of the month (excluding the Tuesday after Labor Day, the Quester Christmas Luncheon, and New Year's week). The meetings begin with a half hour of social, followed by a speaker or presentation. The meetings concluded between 11:30am and noon. The group also has 1-2 field trips per year.
Yearly Fundraiser:
The group has an important fundraiser once a year. It occurs during the Children’s Christmas Party at the Barn. The group sells the Luminaria (candles & bags) that Trout Valley residents use every Christmas Eve to line the streets for a magical Christmas drive through Trout Valley. This has been a wonderful Trout Valley Tradition since the late 1950s! During this fundraiser, the group also sells beautiful Trout Valley Calendars that have scenes from Trout Valley. The pictures come from Trout Valley residents' pictures. Trout Valley Cards & Trout Valley Cookbooks are also for sale.
The group has an important fundraiser once a year. It occurs during the Children’s Christmas Party at the Barn. The group sells the Luminaria (candles & bags) that Trout Valley residents use every Christmas Eve to line the streets for a magical Christmas drive through Trout Valley. This has been a wonderful Trout Valley Tradition since the late 1950s! During this fundraiser, the group also sells beautiful Trout Valley Calendars that have scenes from Trout Valley. The pictures come from Trout Valley residents' pictures. Trout Valley Cards & Trout Valley Cookbooks are also for sale.